Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuck Everlasting

Tonight in class we made videos on a website called animoto which allows you to create videos out of images. 
We read a fantastical book called Tuck Everlasting and then broke into groups to make videos. My group chose to make a video all about themes that are in Tuck Everlasting

One of the themes in Tuck Everlasting is time. Would time seem different if we had more of it? Tuck is unable to treasure the smaller moments in life because he knows they are infinite. For Winnie every second counts. 

Another theme in Tuck Everlasting is greed. This theme is shown through the character of the man in the yellow suit. He exhibits his greed by wanting the fountain of youth. 

Lastly a theme in Tuck Everlasting is moral judgment. Characters are faced with decisions the may seem like they are choosing between right and wrong. 

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