Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Just the word poetry scares me. It always has, ever since the first time I started learning about it. I think that it is because they are so hard for me to understand. If given the choice between poetry and any other genre I would choose any other one. That being said I did write a poem for class this week. The only thing I could think of to write was a couplet which is a poem that has rhyming stanzas, each made up of two lines. Rhyming was the only thing I could think of to do.
I found this video about a sixth grader whose poetry is wowing the world.

 KIONI MARSHALL: I feel sorrow / Now a deep
 breath from my lungs / That sees all the pain 

1 comment:

  1. Tori, your poem is absolutely wonderful! Poetry does not come easily to me, but you make it look so easy! You were very thoughtful, creative, and most importantly brave. Thank you for sharing such a great piece and personal piece of writing!
