Saturday, September 20, 2014

When Books Leave the Page (specifically picturebooks)

If a book is on a tablet, ipad,computer, nook, or kindle is it still a book? Can you still turn the pages? Smell the book? 
I think that the answer is yes. Some of the reasons why are outlined in the article Liftoff: When Books Leave the Page
Children that are struggling with reading are already resistant to books. Most children are not resistant to technology. 
A digital book is just as it sounds. It is not a video where the words are spoken out loud to the reader. The pictures and words are on the page and the reader can turn the page after they have read it. I think it is important to note that the reader can still interact with the book. They decide when to turn the page, they decide if they want to flip to the end of the book and see what happens before they have read the whole thing. 

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